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Finding a balanced and healthy morning routine in 2025

Finding a balanced and healthy morning routine in 2025

I often talk about the juggle of life. Day to day life with a full-time job, maintaining a travel blog, three children, after school clubs and not forgetting our gorgeous golden retriever… well it’s certainly full on. But in all honesty, we wouldn’t have it any other way. We thrive on a busy (sometime chaotic) life, and I honestly love it. I genuinely don’t really know how to do chilled, quiet days. Squeezing things into every minute of the day is our way of life. Racing around at 101 miles an hour requires us to make some healthy lifestyle choices to allow us to maintain this busy life and 2025 has got me thinking about making healthy choices, doing the things that bring joy, and finding a healthy morning routine that makes for a productive day


Healthy morning routine – so what do I do to start the day off right?

So think back to this morning…. how did you start your day? Did you wake up feeling refreshed and bounce out of bed, or did you hit the snooze button a few times? Once your eyes had adjusted to the daylight, did you mindlessly scroll social media on your phone for twenty minutes with a cup of coffee and end up being super late for work? We all know that starting the morning well can set you up for the day…. But what really makes for a good morning routine? 

Creating a good and healthy morning routine must work for you and your lifestyle – otherwise it will be hard to maintain. How many times do we take annual leave or have a holiday and create a brilliant healthy routine, jam packed with healthy food, plenty of exercise, and plenty of ‘you’ time, only to find it all gets thrown out the moment you get back to work? 

Creating a healthy morning routine is about finding what you love and what would fit into your busy life. Sometimes the smallest changes can have the biggest impact.

Here are a few ideas for creating a healthy morning routine (that you can actually maintain)

Sleep – Get plenty of it!

I try to go to bed at a similar time each night and set the alarm for the same time each day (even on weekends). Waking at the same time each day can mean that you feel less groggy, and you may feel less tired during the day. Do you ever have a lie in and feel worse for it? Waking up early and at the same time each day can help you to sleep better at night. And we all hope for a decent night sleep, I am sure!


We all know the benefit of regular physical activity and the impact it can have on your general health and wellbeing. Saying that, it can be difficult to incorporate into a busy schedule. Whenever I feel particularly overwhelmed or stressed, I find that personally exercise really helps my state of mind. I often feel, calmer, less stressed and less anxious and exercise makes me happy. So, incorporating regular exercise into my week is essential. Adding exercise into your morning routine can be a great mood booster and a perfect way to wake your body up and set yourself up for the day.  What are you waiting for, grab your walking boots and add a ten minute walk to your morning routine!

Staffordshire Yoga Experiences

Eat a healthy breakfast

Don’t judge me…. but for years I was a toast and marmite on the run girl. Don’t get me wrong… on some days, I still love two rounds of granary toast with butter and marmite on and a cup of coffee! But I do make a conscious effort to eat a healthy balanced diet. 

I read that one in five adults skip breakfast, however studies show that eating a healthy breakfast can have many health benefits including improving your energy, weight management, and concentration levels! 

Give yourself enough time to get to work

Waking up at the same time each day, and early if you can, can help you to get into a regular routine before you head to work. Getting up early, taking time to plan your day, eating a healthy breakfast and following a routine can massively reduce stress levels. Give yourself enough time to do everything that you want (or need) to do without rushing an ensure that you get to work in good time, reduce stress levels, and increase your productivity. 

Do something that you enjoy

If you can, try to set aside some time for things that really make your soul smile. Things like exercise, enjoying a nice breakfast, meditation, reading a book, or even taking a cold-water dip can contribute to a feeling of happiness and a joyful morning! I know that this can be difficult if you start work early, or have chores to complete before breakfast, but even dedicating ten minutes of your morning to do something that makes your soul shine can set you up for the day. 

I don’t have time to exercise every morning before work, but I try to make a plan to exercise three mornings a week on the weeks I make time for a long morning walk in the fresh air with my golden retriever Wilf.  I find exercise has a positive effect on my health and well-being and is a priority for me (that and making sure I get enough sleep!) 

Drink plenty of water

Do you think that you drink enough water each day? This is something I can hand on heart say I don’t do and I am definitely trying to improve. Studies show that drinking a glass of water can reduce thirst, fatigue and poor mood, drinking two glasses can help to improve your memory.

 So…. if you choose to start your day with a cup of coffee…. try to reach for the water instead. Maybe look at putting a reusable water bottle by your bed each night and the moment you wake up you will have a bottle of water to hand each morning. 

So… there you have a few ideas help you to create a healthy morning routine that will set you up for the day. Whether you choose to exercise, drink more water, or get up at the same time each day, just remember to do what makes you happy, make small changes and tweak them if they don’t work for you. 

And one more thing… be kind to yourself, tomorrow is always a new day. 

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